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How to layer your skincare products properly

November 16, 2021

Whether you're assembling a rainbow cake, styling an outfit, or putting together a skin-care routine, proper layering is critical.

You can create beautiful things - but you have to see them in your mind first. You don't have to spend all your time thinking about what you're doing, you just let it happen. See. We take the corner of the brush and let it play back-and-forth.

Steve wants reflections, so let's give him reflections. A tree cannot be straight if it has a crooked trunk. For the lack of a better word I call them hangy downs. Maybe there's a happy little bush that lives right there. There are no limits in this world. I like to beat the brush.

The History of Skin-Care Layering

We artists are a different breed of people. We're a happy bunch. See there how easy that is. Son of a gun. You can't have light without dark. You can't know happiness unless you've known sorrow. And I will hypnotize that just a little bit.

You have to make almighty decisions when you're the creator. You gotta think like a tree. Let's put some happy little bushes on the other side now. You can do anything here - the only pre-requisite is that it makes you happy.

Step 1: Cleanser

Let's put some highlights on these little trees. The sun wouldn't forget them. From all of us here, I want to wish you happy painting and God bless, my friends. The very fact that you're aware of suffering is enough reason to be overjoyed that you're alive and can experience it. Happy painting, God bless.

  • Get away from those little Christmas tree things
  • We used to make in school. If you hypnotize it, it will go away.
  • A fan brush can be your best friend.
  • Working it up and down, back and forth. Isn't that fantastic?

Step 2: Treat

The only prerequisite is that it makes you happy. If it makes you happy then it's good. This is unplanned it really just happens. Here we're limited by the time we have. Little trees and bushes grow however makes them happy.

Let's make some happy little clouds in our world. Just let this happen. We just let this flow right out of our minds. Anytime you learn something your time and energy are not wasted.

There are no mistakes. You can fix anything that happens. This is a happy place, little squirrels live here and play. No worries. No cares. Just float and wait for the wind to blow you around. Sometimes you learn more from your mistakes than you do from your masterpieces.

Step 3: Moisturize

Let's get crazy. Life is too short to be alone, too precious. Share it with a friend. And maybe a little bush lives there. I guess I'm a little weird. I like to talk to trees and animals. That's okay though; I have more fun than most people. If we're going to have animals around we all have to be concerned about them and take care of them.

This is your creation - and it's just as unique and special as you are. You can create beautiful things - but you have to see them in your mind first. You have to make these big decisions.

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